Grant Information
The Foundation awards three types of grants each yearly grant cycle. Single Year grants, Scholarship Fund Grants and Trilogy (three-year) Grants
As the name implies, these grants are given to fund one year of a project. Single Year Grants are for a single fiscal year and may be up to $10,000. Aproximately 75% of the Single Year grant budget is dedicated to Arts Education projects. Organizations who have received three Single Year grants in consecutive years must take a one year break before applying again.
The Foundation will consider a small number of applications each year from arts education non-profits that would like to start or expand Scholarship Funds for their organization. Grants for Scholarship Funds are single year grants of up to $2500. Organizations applying for these funds are expected to have a process in place for identifying children/families who would benefit from financial assistance to participate in the organization's programs. Like the Single Year Grants, recipients of these Scholarship Fund Grants may receive grants for up to three years before taking a "year-off" from applying. Potential Scholarship Fund applicants are encouraged to begin the process by sending a Letter of Inquiry as described in the Single Year Grant section. Scholarship Fund Grants are NOT counted toward the three Single Year Grant requirement for applying for Trilogy Grants.
Trilogy Grants are three-year grants which award the grantee a total award of $35,000 spread over three consecutive years. The first year will be $15,000 and the second and third years will be $10,000 per year. Only organizations that have received at least three Single Year grant awards from the Foundation are eligible to apply for a Trilogy Grant. An organization receiving three single year grants in consecutive years will need to take their one year โoffโ before applying for a Trilogy Grant. Only four Trilogy Grants will be awarded each year. An organization that is awarded a Trilogy Grant will be expected to provide yearly feedback and will be required to take one year off at the conclusion of the grant. Unsuccessful applicants for the Trilogy Grant will be automatically considered for a Single Year Grant. Because we limit the number of applications for Trilogy Grants each year, organizations interested in applying should contact the Foundation to discuss. The application for Trilogy Grants is not a hyperlink from our website.
Our Grants
The Foundation has a yearly grant making budget of approximately $300,000. Each year the Foundation awards fifteen to twenty Single Year Grants, three or four Scholarship Fund Grants and four Trilogy Grants. Single Year Grants may be up to $10,000. Scholarship Fund Grants are for $2500. Trilogy Grants are three-year grants totaling $35,000 over three years ($15,000 in year one and $10,000 in years two and three). Grants are generally given for specific projects or programs that can show measurable results. Grants are usually NOT given for general operating expenses, endowments, sponsorship of performances, capital campaigns or building funds.
Grant Cycle Schedule
The Foundation conducts one grant cycle each fiscal year. Deadline for applications for the grant cycle is 11: 59 pm, October 1st each calendar year. If October 1st falls on a weekend, the deadline is 11:59 of the following Monday.
Site visits (in person and virtual) are conducted during the months of November through January with the goal of grant decisions by February 15th.
Occasionally weather issues may delay this decision date.
Geographic Criteria
The Foundation is local in scope and limits new grantmaking to a fifty mile radius of our MetroWest Boston (Lincoln, Massachusetts) location.